heart health

Nutrition And Supplements For Healthy Heart

Keeping the heart-healthy is a task itself, and one needs to be extremely cautious about their health. Unhealthy eating habits, insufficient workout, and various other health factors like poor stress management may cause heart-related problems. Today, there are so many nutritions and supplements for a healthy heart that one may consume.

The heart works extensively to ensure an uninterrupted supply of blood to all parts of the body. The blockage of blood vessels puts unnecessary pressure on the heart and leads to various heart problems. Avoiding healthy food and a balanced diet full of nutrients, proteins, and carbohydrates makes the body prone to heart diseases.

Excessive intake of sugar, fats, alcohol, and tobacco can hamper the heart’s ability to pump blood. Health supplements and nutrition can drastically improve one’s health and keep the heart healthy and fit. Other than consuming supplements, anyone with heart problems also needs to adapt to a healthy lifestyle.

A healthy heart can help you live longer, and supplements may not necessarily always work to prevent heart diseases. For keeping the heart healthy, a lot depends on an individual’s habits and lifestyle. It’s best advised for an individual to know thoroughly about the impact any nutrition or supplement will make on their body.

Each supplement works differently on our body and focuses on fulfilling specific nutrients required by the body. For instance, foods rich in sugar and fat aren’t healthy for the body. On the other hand, foods like Red Rice Yeast, rich in Monacolin K, keep cholesterol levels under control.

To keep the heart healthy, one may also take multiple supplements, depending on their health and well-being. However, in case of uncertainty about some supplements for your heart’s health, it’s always good to consult with your doctor.

Red Rice Yeast

Red Rice Yeast is amongst few highly effective health supplements that one may take to ensure their heart stays healthy. Cholesterol is a dangerous element for hampering the overall health of an individual and their heart especially. Cholesterol, be on the higher or, the lower side, is risky for the heart, and everyone needs to keep it under control.

Consuming Red Rice Yeast frequently may help an individual control their cholesterol level. Monacolin K’s presence in Red Rice Yeast makes them work the same way as the doctor’s prescribed statin lovastatin. Monacolin K can provide significant results in lowering and maintaining cholesterol levels.

An individual with alarming cholesterol levels may consume Red Rice Yeast regularly for significant improvement in their health. Upon daily consumption of Red Rice Yeast, the body gets a sufficient amount of Monacolin K. The Monacolin K nutrient helps maintain a balance in an individual’s cholesterol levels.

Daily consumption of Red Rice Yeast for two months can reduce cholesterol levels by almost twenty-five percent. The body only needs about three to ten milligrams of Monacolin K to lower cholesterol. One doesn’t need to consume a massive amount of Red Rice Yeast.

Monacolin K can also improve the overall cholesterol complaints of those who have issues maintaining LDL. Regular consumption of red rice yeast for eight weeks provides a significant reduction in overall cholesterol levels.

People who don’t have severe cholesterol problems can use Red Rice Yeast to supplement a healthy heart. In case an individual has multiple cardiovascular diseases, they should consult their doctor before consuming red rice yeast.


Fiber is an excellent supplement to keep the heart-healthy, and one can consume fiber through various foods. Soluble fiber is known to decrease the blood’s overall cholesterol levels, and it can also maintain blood pressure. If you need to consume a fiber supplement instead of fiber-rich foods, you should be careful about dehydration.

Fiber supplements that have a mix of soluble and insoluble fiber are good for the body. Consuming fiber with a good workout routine and a healthy diet can help you lose weight and prevent heart diseases. Psyllium fiber enables the consumer to reduce their cholesterol.

However, one needs to consume psyllium fiber with a particular diet that contains minimal or no saturated fats. Besides health supplements, foods like oats, beans, and nuts are a rich source of fiber. Walnuts are rich in various minerals and nutrients, and they have rich fiber concentration as well.

Consuming about 5 ounces of walnuts can be highly beneficial to keep the heart-healthy.

Walnuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, and these fats lower the cholesterol levels of the body. Walnuts not only reduce cholesterol, but the HDL present in them also cleanses arteries to avoid any blockages.

Fiber-rich foods can also help individuals reduce the risks of heart attacks as these foods keep the blood pressure in control. While consuming a lot of fiber, one needs to stay well hydrated to ensure the body utilizes the nutrients properly. One should take about twenty-five to thirty-eight grams of fiber regularly through their food.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

One may find rich contents of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in various fish oils and plants. The Omega-3 Fatty Acids can be consumed through foods or fish oil supplements. Polyunsaturated fatty acids work best when consumed with a healthy diet and a good workout routine.

The presence of excessive triglycerides in the body leads to various artery diseases. Omega acids minimize the production of triglycerides in the body and prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The regular consumption of fatty acids also ensures that the chances of strokes are minimized in the patients.

The fatty acids consumed through supplements like fish oils are highly effective in keeping the heart going strong. The heart patients with chronic symptoms can also witness some relief in their condition upon regular intake of fatty acids. Platelets tend to clump and form clots in the blood, and these clotting might also pressurize the heart.

The fatty acids increase the production of good cholesterol in the body, keeping the arteries free from blockages. Regular intake of Omega-3 Fatty acids ensures that platelets don’t make blood clots in the human body.

Foods and seeds like Chia Seeds, Seaweed, Walnuts, and Kidney beans are some of the vegan sources of fatty acids. Most of these vegan foods contain small amounts of ALA. The Flaxseeds contain a slightly better amount of fatty acids than most other vegan foods.

Flaxseeds reduce blood pressure and ensure that the heart isn’t under unnecessary stress. When blood pressure stays under control, the heart can avoid many risks.


Magnesium is an important mineral that helps the body perform various reactions and tasks regularly. When the magnesium level decreases in the body, the risks of heart disease increases. Low magnesium levels lead to problems like hardening of arteries, rising blood pressure, and plaque formation in arteries.

One may fulfill their magnesium requirements from various foods like spinach, avocados, and dark chocolate. Dry fruits like roasted almonds and cashews are also a rich source of magnesium. In case one wants to consume magnesium supplements, they can rely on magnesium gluconate and magnesium citrate.

Not just heart health, magnesium is necessary for so many functions of the body. The heart muscles require magnesium to react and pump blood to the other parts of the body. Very low levels of magnesium in the body may drastically impact the heart’s health.

Magnesium deficiency may also cause the heart to beat irregularly and cause other heart problems like atrial fibrillation. To ensure the body gets the necessary magnesium, one should eat a balanced diet. Each individual needs to take different quantities of magnesium in their diet or through supplements.

The required minimum magnesium quantity for each individual may vary depending on their health conditions, age, and sex. An average male between ages 19-30 needs to consume approximately 400mg of magnesium daily. Females of the similar age group need to have about 310mg of magnesium daily.

As the age increases, the body requires more and more magnesium to keep the heart-healthy. However, patients who have kidney-related diseases should avoid taking excessive amounts of magnesium as it may disturb their health.


Potassium is another vital mineral for the human body as it enables the body to perform various tasks. You can consume potassium through multiple fruits and vegetables like potato, tomato, banana, orange, and the likes. The balanced amount of potassium in the body will help you maintain blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, and regulate your heartbeat.

Alarming blood pressure levels are never a good sign for the heart’s health. If you have blood pressure related problems, consuming fruits and cutting down fats from your diet will balance the blood pressure. However, one should only take potassium supplements on a doctor’s prescription. 

The fewer amounts of fats in the diet will also lead to a decrease in the bad cholesterol of the body. So when the potassium in the diet increases, it lowers the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. And the higher levels of good cholesterol ensures that the heart keeps working properly.

Some patients with heart problems complain about improper heartbeats and uneasiness. Potassium intake can minimize the rhythmic problems of the heart and reduce the risks of strokes. If the issue of improper heartbeats is severe, the doctor might also suggest you undergo some tests.

The recommended average amount of potassium necessary for the body is approximately 4700mg regularly. However, the minimum amount will vary according to the health conditions of an individual.

A person with kidney-related diseases should consult their doctor before consuming excessive amounts of Potassium. However, even if a healthy person takes unreasonable amounts of potassium, it might do more harm than good.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 shows the tendencies of antioxidants and powers the cells to produce energy. As the age increases, an individual’s ability to naturally make Coenzyme Q10 gets limited. Coenzyme Q10 is an important chemical for the body, and its deficiency can significantly impact heart health.

To compensate for the decreasing levels of Coenzyme Q10 in the body, you can take various supplements and foods. Foods like Salmon, Tuna, and whole grains are a rich source of CoQ10. One may also consume multiple nuts and fruits, along with meat, to balance the levels of CoQ10 in their body.

Various heart diseases like the coronary artery, blood pressure tend to decrease the levels of CoQ10 in the body. Regular consumption of CoQ10 rich foods or supplements will enhance the heart’s ability to perform its functions without failure. However, it’s important to note that CoQ10 can’t completely prevent the risks of heart diseases.

Along with consuming CoQ10, anyone with heart-related problems needs to take extreme care of themselves. Regular intake of CoQ10 neglects the problem of less energy production in the body and keeps the organs healthy. Some patients with a severe heart condition may find great relief in their health by taking foods rich in Coenzyme Q10.

The Coenzyme Q10 protects the heart and keeps the body strong against various other health problems. The antioxidant properties of CoQ10 make the wall for cells to protect them from harmful components. A heart patient with a deficiency of CoQ10 may take up to 200mg dose daily.

Green Tea

Green Tea has been around for over centuries, and it has provided a lot of health benefits to humans. Today, plenty of research shows that green tea is rich in polyphenols, a component that cleanses the body. Various other ingredients found in green tea help prevent cardiovascular diseases and lowers the risk of strokes.

Regularly consuming green tea can also help an individual eliminate the risk of high cholesterol and arteries’ blockages. Green tea is a rich source of oxidants that help the blood flow properly. One may consume up to five cups of green tea regularly to balance their cholesterol levels.

Anyone who has complained of high or low blood pressure may also rely on green tea and regularly consume it. Green tea can significantly improve the alarming blood pressure levels. The great thing about green tea is, it doesn’t really harm the body.


L-Carnitine is another naturally occurring substance in our body that helps the body reduce blood pressure. The other heart health benefits of L-Carnitine include reducing the inflammation caused in the arteries. Regular consumption of L-Carnitine can also prevent strokes and heart failure. People with complaints of poor heart health may take up to 2grams of L-Carnitine.

One may consume L-Carnitine through various supplements available in the market or through various foods. Red meat, Chicken, Fish, Milk, and beans are a good source of L-Carnitine. Older adults with heart problems should take the doctor’s advice regarding the amount of L-Carnitine they should consume.

The human body requires L-Carnitine to transfer fatty acids across the body and cleanse the body by removing toxins. Some L-Carnitine supplements are also sold as energy boosters to enhance cells’ ability to cleanse the body. Everyone must maintain the necessarily required L-Carnitine levels in their body; otherwise, it may significantly impact the heart’s health.


Berries are rich in antioxidants, and they can provide relief from inflammation and other heart health factors like oxidative stress. One may consume various types of berries in a day to keep their organs healthy and heart in good condition.

Blackberries, Raspberry, and blueberries are good for one’s overall health as well.

Including berries in one’s diet can prove beneficial in the long run as they neglect the risk of heart diseases. Anthocyanins, a component found in most berries, provides relaxation to the cells and arteries from inflammation. Anthocyanins are also beneficial in fighting against other diseases like cancer.

Studies show that frequent consumption of berries or berry-based drinks can balance the cholesterol levels in the body. Berries also contain fiber, and consuming them can also provide the necessary fiber to the body.


Garlic is an essential ingredient for various dishes that we usually eat. Garlic is good for overall health, and it works to improve heart health as well. Regular garlic consumption can also enhance the body’s ability to regulate blood pressure and keep it under control.

The dose of garlic may vary from individual to individual, but someone with Blood pressure issues can take up to 1500mg daily. If you have multiple heart-related issues, we recommend you to consult your doctor about the amount of garlic you should consume.

Regular doses of garlic can also lower down the body’s rising cholesterol levels, further eliminating the risk of strokes. Frequent doses of garlic also leads to the production of new platelets in the blood. Raw or crushed garlic is good for consumption to prevent heart diseases and also to avoid blood clots.

Garlic consumed raw or through foods can also help the individual regulate their blood sugar levels. Alarming blood sugar levels may lead to strokes, arrhythmic heartbeats, and heart failure. The wide availability of garlic and its major health benefits make it quite reliable for a healthy heart.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a source of monounsaturated fatty acids, and it can improve heart health dramatically. Regular consumption of olive oil can provide relief from the inflammatory experience in arteries. The antioxidants in the oil can also help you avoid various other chronic diseases.

If you consume food cooked in olive oil, you’re 35% less prone to heart health problems. The antioxidants found in olive oil ensure that the blood pressure doesn’t get too low or too high. The antioxidants found in olive oil ensure that the blood flows properly and doesn’t form clots.

Olive oil consumption provides enough antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids to the body to keep the arteries clean. Clean arteries help in uninterrupted blood flow and give no unnecessary pressure to the heart.

Virgin olive oil is quite useful to control the rising levels of LDL cholesterol in the body. Olive oil oxidizes the blood vessels and keeps away the harmful elements that result in high cholesterol. Even patients with severe heart-health conditions may get relief in their health from Olive oil.

Leafy Vegetables

Vegetables tend to have almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals that our body needs to stay healthy. Green vegetables like Spinach, Kale, and collard greens are rich in minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins. All these green vegetables also contain Vitamin K, a reliable component for better heart-health.

Vitamin K keeps the arteries free from blockages and ensures that blood flows properly throughout the body. Additionally, Green Leafy vegetables have various components that can help you regulate the blood pressure levels. Dietary nitrates found in vegetables like Spinach and Kale helps the body to reduce the stiffness in arteries.

Dietary nitrates also ensure that the heart is under no additional stress by cleansing arteries and increases oxygen in the blood. Potassium found in green vegetables lowers the pressure of the heart while pumping the blood. Regular consumption of green vegetables allows the body to eliminate various other health risks as well.


Tomatoes contain a lot of lycopene that provides the body relief from inflammation and oxidative damages. Low levels of lycopene in the body may cause strokes and various other cardiovascular diseases. One can consume tomatoes and other foods rich in lycopene to maintain lycopene levels in the body.

Frequent consumption of tomatoes may also promote the production of HDL in the body and keep the heart-healthy. A higher concentration of good cholesterol in the body can also prevent plaque formation in the arteries. One may consume raw tomatoes or even drink tomato juice four times a week to balance lycopene levels in the body.


Various foods and supplements can help people maintain the good health of their heart. One should always consult their doctor before taking any supplements that they are unsure about. Heart-Health is very important and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

While focusing on improving heart health, one should not alter the recommended dosage of nutrition and supplements. It’s never a wise thing to take an overdose of supplements for more benefit. Overdoses of supplements may also disturb an individual’s overall health and directly impact their heart-health.