stuffy nose

9 Natural Ways to Unblock Your Kid’s Stuffy Nose

Are you a parent looking for solutions to unblock your baby’s nose naturally? As parents, we are always concerned about the health of our children, especially when we see them struggling with a stuffed nose. When they are ill, they also aren’t interested in eating, which makes them weaker. Therefore parents must find ways to eliminate the stuffed nose of children as soon as possible so they can be their chirpy selves playing, laughing, singing, and enjoying every bit of childhood.

With this article, we lend some insights about stuffy nose and how you can unblock it for your kid in natural ways. But first, let’s understand the common criminals that cause stuffy noses-

Causes of Stuffy Nose in Kids

A stuffy nose, also known as a nasal congestion, is when the nasal passages become partially blocked with mucus, making it difficult to breathe through the nose. Symptoms of a stuffy nose include a blocked or runny nose, difficulty breathing through the nose, and sometimes headache or facial pressure. Stuffy noses in children can be due to various reasons, some of which are discussed below in detail-

Cold or Flu

One of the common causes of a stuffy nose in kids is the common cold or flu. These viral infections can cause inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages, leading to a stuffy nose. Children are particularly susceptible to these infections as their immune systems are still developing.


Children can be allergic to dust, pet dander, mold, or pollen. When exposed to these allergens, the body releases histamine, which can cause swelling and irritation in the nasal passages, leading to a stuffy nose.


Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses, the air-filled cavities around the nose and eyes. It can cause a stuffy nose and other symptoms such as headache, facial pain, and fatigue. Children with chronic sinusitis may experience recurrent stuffy noses.

Environmental Irritants

Exposure to environmental irritants like tobacco smoke, strong odors, or air pollution can cause a stuffy nose in children. Children are vulnerable to the effects of environmental irritants, as their nasal passages are smaller and more delicate than those of adults.

Structural Issues

In some cases, a stuffy nose in children may be due to structural issues such as a deviated septum or nasal polyps. A deviated septum happens when the wall between the two nostrils is shifted to one side, causing one nostril to become blocked. Nasal polyps are noncancerous growths in the nasal passages that obstruct breathing and cause a stuffy nose.

Tried & Tested Ways to Unblock Kid’s Nose Naturally

There are few tried home remedies to eliminate nose blocks in kids. However, always remember that one should consider these at the starting stage of nasal congestion and not use these instead of a medical practitioner’s diagnosis. Therefore, if the issue persists, it’s wise to meet a pediatrician.

Let’s look into a few age-old natural remedies to treat block nose-

Plenty of Fluids

Drinking plenty of fluids can help alleviate nasal congestion in kids by keeping the mucus in the nasal passages thin and moist, making breathing easier. When the body is dehydrated, the mucus in the nasal passages can become thick and sticky, leading to further nasal blockage. Drinking fluids such as water, clear broths, or warm fluids like tea or soup keeps the nasal passages hydrated and can help clear out the congestion. Also, staying hydrated helps keep the body functioning optimally, which can also help to boost the immune system and speed up recovery from illness.

Saline Drops

Saline drops can help to alleviate nasal congestion by moisturizing the nasal passages and helping to remove any dried mucus or irritants. It can relieve symptoms of congestion, such as difficulty breathing through the nose or a stuffy or runny nose. Additionally, by keeping the nasal passages hydrated, saline drops can also help to prevent further irritation or infection.

Below is how you can use saline drops to unblock a child’s stuffy nose-

  • Sanitize the dropper or squeeze bottle by boiling it for 5 minutes or using soap and water, then rinse it with saline solution
  • Fill the dropper or squeeze bottle with saline solution
  • Have the child lie down or tilt their head back slightly
  • Squeeze one or two drops of saline solution into each nostril. The solution will help to moisten and loosen any dried mucus in the nasal passages
  • Wait a minute or two for the saline solution to work, then have the child blow their nose gently to remove any loosened mucus


A humidifier can help unblock a stuffy nose in kids by adding moisture to the air, alleviating nasal congestion symptoms. When the air is dry, the mucus in the nasal passages can become thick and sticky, leading to further nasal blockage. Using a humidifier for adding moisture to the air keeps the nasal passages hydrated, and the mucus can become thin and easier to remove, providing relief from congestion.

The humidifier can also help to soothe any dry or irritated skin and throat and can help to prevent further irritation or infection. To use a humidifier to unblock a stuffy nose in kids, fill the humidifier with water and turn it on in the child’s room. Keep the humidity level in the room between 40-60% to help reduce symptoms of congestion.

Blow the Nose

If your kid is big enough to blow the nose, you can try doing so. Ask or help them to close one nostril and push the air outwards to loosen and eliminate the mucus. It will provide them immediate relief from the stuffed nose. Since sleeping with congested nostrils is a task, blowing it before bed can help give a deep slumber.

Nasal Aspirator

If your baby is too small to blow the nose, you can use a nasal aspirator that serves the same purpose. By removing the mucus from the nasal passages, the aspirator can provide immediate relief from symptoms of congestion, such as difficulty breathing through the nose or a stuffy or runny nose. Here is how you can use a nasal aspirator to unblock child’s stuffy nose-

  • Fill the nasal aspirator with saline solution or sterilized water
  • Have the child lie down or tilt their head back slightly
  • Place the tip of the aspirator into one nostril and gently suction out the mucus
  • Repeat on the other nostril
  • Clean the aspirator after each use by disassembling it and washing each part with soap and water, then rinsing it with sterilized water

Warm Bath

A warm bath can help children with nasal congestion by relieving symptoms of congestion and soothing any dry or irritated skin. The warm water and steam from the bath can open up the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe, and can also help to loosen any dried mucus or irritants. It can provide immediate relief from symptoms of congestion, such as difficulty breathing through the nose or a stuffy or runny nose, helping the child to sleep and feel more comfortable.

Sound Sleep

Sleep is vital for overall health and can help alleviate symptoms of nasal congestion. When a child is sleeping, the body has an opportunity to rest and repair, and this includes the nasal passages. During sleep, the body naturally produces more mucus, which helps to remove any irritants or debris in the nasal passages. Ensure that the child sleeps in an elevated position, with an extra pillow, to reduce congestion by allowing gravity to drain any mucus from the nasal passages.

Getting a good night’s sleep is also vital for the immune system, as it can help to boost the body’s ability to fight off infections. It can benefit children suffering from a cold or flu, which can cause nasal congestion. By getting enough sleep, a child’s body will acquire immunity to combat the illness and alleviate symptoms of congestion.

Healthy Diet

Giving your child a healthy and balanced diet can help relieve the sickness sooner. Apart from keeping them mainly on fluids, you can also increase the proportion of vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, and prebiotics that help unblock nasal congestion. All these foods help reduce inflammation, support the immune system, and boost your child’s overall health.

If your child breastfeeds, increase the number and duration of feeds since they will receive the required immunity through their mother’s milk. Also, the sucking motion during breastfeeding helps to loosen mucus so you can easily remove it through nose blowing or nasal aspirators.

Suitable Dressing

Dressing a child with nasal congestion in comfortable and breathable clothing can help reduce congestion and relieve symptoms. Here are some tips for suitable dressing for children with nasal congestion-

  • Dress the child in layers, so they can easily add or remove clothing as needed to regulate their body temperature
  • Choose soft and breathable fabrics, such as cotton or linen that won’t irritate the skin or interfere with breathing
  • Avoid tight clothing around the neck, such as tight collars or scarves, as this can interfere with breathing and make congestion worse
  • If the child has a cold or flu, consider having them wear a hat or hood to help keep their head warm and protect against further infections
  • Dress the child in warm clothing, such as a sweater or jacket if they go outside in cold weather

When to Consult a Pediatrician?

The above methods can help to unblock a stuffy nose in kids. However, there are times when you must not wait and immediately consult a pediatrician to treat your child. If you notice the below symptoms, consult your nearest doctor soon-

  • Persistent symptoms lasting over 10 days
  • Significant worsening of symptoms
  • High fever
  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing
  • Chest pain or cough
  • Green or yellow nasal discharge
  • Symptoms of dehydration
  • Persistent ear pain
  • Signs of a sinus infection
  • Symptoms of a severe headache

Things to Remember When Your Child Has a Nasal Congestion

We as parents must remember a few things when the child is suffering from nasal congestion. These are-

  • Avoid smoking in the house since smoke can irritate the child
  • Give them lots of love, cuddles and hugs
  • Children can become clingy, preventing you from accomplishing daily chores, so plan your day accordingly
  • Let them have enough rest
  • Take them outdoors in the sun if possible

Summing Up

We hope you can now be a little less tensed when your child falls sick and use these methods to soothe them. Remember to take medical help if needed to help the child relieve from sickness. By combining these natural remedies and taking a proactive approach to their child’s health, parents can help their child feel better and get the relief they need from a stuffy nose.

Comment if you have other home remedies that can help with nose block in kids.