pregnant tea

Can Pregnant Women Drink Tea & Coffee?

Are you a tea or coffee person? Isn’t this a general ice-breaker question that can lead you to lifelong friendships or even a debate about which one is better? Well, whatever the fate of the conversation, we definitely know that we can broadly categorize people worldwide into tea or coffee lovers. However, there is a crucial stage in a woman’s life when she becomes overly cautious about consuming food and beverages that were a normal part of her life. Yes, you guessed it right, it’s when she is pregnant. When a woman nurtures a baby inside her womb, it’s normal to be cautious about consuming nutritious food. It will ensure that the baby has adequate physical and mental growth.

If you are also a pregnant woman or have somebody near and dear to you conceiving, this article is for you. We researched and have the results to the big question, ‘ Whether or not is tea and coffee good or bad for a pregnant lady?” Read on to learn our findings-

Benefit From Tea & Coffee for Pregnant Women

You may be waking up to start your day with an intense punch of tea or coffee, but as a pregnant woman, can you still have it? There are multiple benefits of consuming tea or coffee, even for pregnant women. However, the reality lies that there are risks that may or may not outweigh the benefits. Let’s begin on a positive note and have a look at some of the benefits of consuming tea and coffee-

  • Tea may help pregnant women with morning sickness
  • Tea or Coffee can help you relax
  • It can help keep you hydrated

Side-effects of Tea & Coffee for Pregnant Women

There are many side effects of consuming tea and coffee. These can affect both the pregnant woman and the fetus. Here we have enlisted the possible side effects of hefty tea and coffee consumption and how these can affect both the mother and child.

Caffeine: Both tea and coffee have a substantial amount of caffeine that has multiple side effects on the pregnant woman and her child. The side effects it causes on the unborn child are adverse since it can break through the placenta and enter the body, harming the immature organs.

Pesticides: Tea and coffee plantations use a hefty amount of pesticides to grow a thriving crop. This procedure induces these harmful chemicals into the product that will enter the human body as we consume it. These can be excessively harmful to pregnant women as the chemicals can adversely affect the fetus. It can induce preterm delivery, miscarriage, stillbirth, or congenital disabilities due to poor blood flow.

Unregulated Health Claims: People say a lot about the various benefits of consuming tea and coffee. However, the sad part is that no scientific research substantiates the claim, so we cannot totally believe these and have the beverages during the gestational period.

Apart from the above, some ingredients in tea and coffee can interact with the medication taken during the pregnancy and cause side effects for both the child.

Tea & Coffee Pregnant Women Can Avoid

Pregnant women must compulsorily limit their caffeine intake. Though it may not be easy to leave a habit for years. However, we can make it easier for you as we bring a list of tea and coffee that you can avoid-

Matcha Tea

Like green tea, matcha is also a product of the Camellia sinensis plant. However, the farmers cover the crop 20 to 30 days before the harvest, which increases chlorophyll production, boosts amino acids, and gives the plant a dark green color. Through matcha tea is high in nutrient content, and its also high in caffeine. 240 ml of matcha tea will have 60-80 mg of caffeine, which is too high for pregnant women.

Green Tea

Another nutritional tea popular among those seeking a detox drink that rejuvenates the body is green tea. However, like matcha tea, it is also high in caffeine possessing 29 to 49mg per 240 ml.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is also from the Camellia sinensis plant. However, it’s fermented more than green tea and less than black. It is famous to increase alertness. However, that benefit is due to higher amounts of caffeine which are better avoidable during the gestational period. Oolong tea possesses 38 to 58 mg of caffeine in 240 ml.

Black Tea

Generally, when people are referring to tea, it’s mostly black tea. It’s a highly oxidized tea. Black tea is said to have multiple health benefits, such as boosting brain and heart health. However, it’s better to steer clear from the black tea during pregnancy since it contains 47 to 63 mg of caffeine in a glass, i.e., 240 ml.

Herbal Tea

Fenugreek, fennel, sage, licorice, thyme, and other ingredients, when infused with water, are known as herbal teas. Though the granny’s tale states multiple health benefits of such components, there are no scientific researches to sustain the claims. Also, when we seep these products for a long duration, they may become potent and do more harm than good. Since pregnancy isn’t a period to perform experiments on the body, it’s better to say goodbye to these so-called healthy teas, at least until the gestation period completes.

Brewed Coffee

Coffee is high in caffeine. One cup of brewed coffee may have up to 135 mg of caffeine which is an absolute no for pregnant women.

Instant Coffee

Instant coffee is such bliss on those busy days. Mix hot water or milk with the coffee solids, and your instant cup of 95 mg caffeine is ready. Yes, instant coffee contains a huge amount of caffeine which isn’t suitable for a pregnant lady, so it’s better to avoid it during the gestational period.

Espresso Coffee

Espresso is a thicker and more intense version of brewed coffee which also means that it contains higher consistency of caffeine ranging to 90 mg per cup.

Tea & Coffee Pregnant Women Can Have

There is a long list of tea and coffee that a pregnant lady mustn’t have. The good news is that there are also variants that pregnant ladies can have in moderation. We are explaining these below-

Decaf Brewed/Espresso/Instant Coffee

Decaf means decaffeinated. As the word suggests, caffeine from such coffee is removed up to 97%, and it’s safer for pregnant women. Decaf is similar to regular coffee in taste and appearanc; hence the switch will not bother your taste buds.

Decaf Tea

Your favorite tea also has a decaffeinated version which has lower caffeine levels. Therefore swap it with the regular one for the much-needed morning kick.

Raspberry/Peppermint/Ginger/Lemon Balm

Pregnant ladies have raspberry, peppermint, ginger, or lemon tea due to their high nutritional benefits. These shorten labor and relieve gas, nausea, stomach pain, and vomiting. The lemon balm tea is said to reduce anxiety, iritability, and insomnia that are common during the pregnancy period.

Tea or CoffeeAmount of Caffeine per 240 ML.
Decaf Coffee5 – 30 mg
Green Tea29 – 49 mg
Black Tea47 – 53 mg
Oolong Tea38 – 58 mg
Mocha Tea60 – 80 mg
Espresso Coffee90 mg
Instant Coffee95 mg
Brewed Coffee135 – 137 mg

How Much Tea & Coffee Can Pregnant Women Take During the Day?

Caffeine isn’t healthy for a pregnant women so doctors ask to control or completely bar their caffeine intake. However, it may not be easy to get rid of age-old habits so they suggest to opt for a gradual decrease in caffeine. Yet the medical practioners ask the pregnant women to stick to 200mg per day caffeine intake.

It’s to be noted that it’s not just tea and coffee with concentrated amounts of caffeine. It’s extensive in chocolate, chocolate-flavored drinks, energy drinks, etc. Therefore always read the labels before purchasing anything during the pregnancy period.

Tips for Pregnant Women To Cut Down Tea & Coffee Intake

Though it isn’t easy to avoid tea and coffee, yet women do the impossible when it comes to the well-being of their children. We are here to make your journey a bit smoother by presenting a few tips and tricks that can help to avoid caffeine and give birth to a healthy baby.

  • If you cannot do without tea or coffee, switch to decaf tea/coffee
  • When in an urge to have tea or coffee reach for some fruits for a quick energy boost
  • Include complex carbs and proteins to satiate yourself, such as cheese, dried fruits, nuts, etc.
  • Sleep for at least 8 hours and also take a mandatory nap in the afternoon
  • Include light exercises in your regimen after consulting with the doctor
  • Decrease the tea/coffee intake gradually
  • Caffeine is present in chocolates and other products also, so keep a keen look into your caffeine intake

Summing Up

Pregnancy is a time that requires adequate care, especially in food items. Since it’s evident that tea and coffee aren’t adding any nutritional value to the mother and child, it’s better to avoid these. Also, these have proven side effects and grave consequences, so why include such a drink in our diet? Still, if you cannot do without a cup of tea or coffee, reach for decaf versions that are low in caffeine. After all, a significant part of gestational care is the happiness and peace that a woman experiences.