pets health

How Do You Keep Your Pet Healthy With Their Diet?

Isn’t it the most blissful feeling to return from work and witness your furry friend welcoming you with excitement? All pet parents know how fulfilling it is. On the contrary, if you find them low energy or sick on any day, it’s equally heart-wrenching. To realize that these poor creatures cannot even articulate their pain when they are ill is an instance that no pet parent wants to happen. Still, we face it sometimes.

However, it’s pivotal to know that most of the diseases that your pets may get can be due to a poor diet in terms of nutritional imbalance, erroneous quantity, unhealthy treats, and many other diet-related reasons.

Whether you are an existing pet parent or are thinking of bringing home your first furry best friend, know that this journey will involve an unwavering commitment to their health and happiness. Central to this commitment is providing a well-rounded and nutritious diet. But do not worry because we did the research for you. Here we are with a comprehensive guide, elaborating on the key elements of a healthy pet diet and offering valuable insights to ensure your furry friend thrives. First, let’s begin with the crucial tips that enable us to keep our pets healthy through diet:

Consult a Veterinary Doctor:

An elaborate consultation with a veterinary doctor can offer you insights into your pet’s autonomy. Every animal is different, and so should their diet. For instance, an adult dog‘s diet should consist of 33% protein, 20% carbohydrates with fiber, 11% fats, and 36% fiber that will keep their gut healthy. Similarly, the percentage for adult cats is entirely different, with 50 percent of their daily calorie needs coming from protein intake, less than 10 percent from carbohydrates, and at least 30 percent from fat. The amount can be a different parameter for birds, reptiles, and other species. Only a well-experienced veterinary doctor can help you curate a diet, whether you wish to go for packaged food, home-cooked food, or an amalgamation of both. They possess the expertise to guide you through the nuances of your pet’s dietary needs, considering factors like breed, age, and any underlying health conditions.

Feed a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet for your cherished pet goes beyond mere sustenance. It’s a carefully crafted blend of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals, each playing a pivotal role in supporting their overall well-being. From the sheen of their coat to the resilience of their immune system, every nutrient contributes to the symphony of your pet’s health.

Be Cautious With Raw Food Diet

We know raw food diet is increasingly on trend, and influencers are continuously coaxing us to return our pet’s feeding habits to their natural primal ways. However, we stay in a world ruled by science. Therefore, we know raw food can be a carrier of Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, and many such illness-causing bacteria that can adversely affect your pet’s health.Scientists have conducted numerous studies, and there is evidence to prove that a raw diet may have a few benefits and can assist in treating a few medical issues. However, the damages are much worse. So, it’s better to safeguard your pet and keep them away from raw food. If you want to try it for a certain medical condition, you must first consult a veterinarian or a pet nutritionist before embracing it.

Avoid a Grain-Free Diet

Contrary to certain beliefs, grains can be a valuable part of your pet’s culinary repertoire. As you engage with your vet to understand the importance of carbs in your pet’s diet, you will know that a grain-free diet is merely an invitation to illness for your pet. Therefore, talk to your vet and feed your dog a well-balanced diet that comprises the necessary carbohydrates high in soluble fiber that will assist in digestion and keep your pet away from gut-related diseases.

Stick to One Protein

Pets aren’t like us, who want a variation in their food three times a day. Instead, once they get comfortable with one kind of protein, changing to another one can cause digestion issues. Therefore, you must stick to one protein when you find that your pet likes it and does not have any issues while having it. If you wish to introduce them to another protein source, do so gradually. Ideally, take at least a few days to offer a complete meal of a different protein source; until then, just keep adding small quantities and closely watch your baby relish it. If they seem fine, you can go forward. Otherwise, you must refrain from using the protein. Also, opting for a single protein source makes it easier to pinpoint and address potential allergies or sensitivities your pet might harbor. By adhering to this straightforward approach, you lay the foundation for a diet that not only nourishes but also respects your pet’s individuality.

Feed Twice a Day

Mirror your pet’s natural feeding behavior by dividing their daily meals into two servings. This not only fosters better digestion but also promotes optimal energy distribution, curbing the tendency to overindulge. In this rhythm, you find a harmony that aligns with your pet’s instincts.

Refrain From Feeding Table Scraps

We understand it’s so difficult to say no to that innocent ace of your pet. However, you have to be stern and never feed them table scrapes. Though these may seem small quantities, over time, these add up to their required calories and cause health issues. Therefore, train them not to beg, or you can also train yourself not to give in to their longing eyes.

Avoid Hard Bones

Picture your furry friend delightfully engaged in the timeless act of chewing on a bone – a scene straight out of the classic dog playbook. However, it’s crucial to make safety your top priority rather than clinging to conventional practices. Hard bones, while seeming like the perfect treat, can shatter into splinters, turning a moment of joy into a potential choking hazard for your pet.

To ensure your canine companion can indulge in their natural chewing instincts without compromise, consider opting for alternatives that are both softer and specifically designed with your pet’s safety in mind. For instance, you might explore durable rubber toys or specially formulated dental chews that provide a satisfying chewing experience without the risks associated with hard bones. This way, you not only prioritize your furry friend’s enjoyment but also safeguard them from potential harm.

Make Gradual Changes in the Diet

Introduce dietary changes gradually, allowing your pet’s digestive system to adapt. This measured approach minimizes the risk of stomach upset and discomfort, ensuring a seamless transition to a healthier, well-rounded diet.

Get Annual Checkups

Regular veterinary checkups are the cornerstone of your pet’s health. These visits serve as a vigilant monitor, facilitating the early detection of potential issues. Should adjustments to their diet be necessary, early intervention becomes the key to lasting well-being.

Always Offer Fresh Water

Ensuring your furry friend stays well-hydrated is a big deal for their overall health. Imagine it like having a refreshing drink after a workout; your pet needs that, too! Always make sure there’s fresh water available for them.

Water isn’t just about quenching their thirst; it plays a crucial role in their digestion. It’s like having a smooth, well-lubricated engine running in their belly, making sure everything works as it should. Just like we feel better when we’re hydrated, the same goes for your pet.

Plus, think of water as a magic transporter of nutrients. When they eat, those yummy nutrients need a ride to get where they’re needed. Water is like the chauffeur, ensuring those nutrients reach their destination. It’s a vital part of the journey that keeps your pet’s energy levels up and their coat shiny.

Provide Wet Food to Your Pet

Enhance your pet’s dining experience by incorporating wet food into their diet. This addition introduces moisture and flavor, which is especially beneficial for pets prone to dehydration or those with dental concerns. It’s a small yet impactful way to elevate their culinary satisfaction.

Use Healthy Treats

Spoiling your furry friend with treats is a wonderful way to reinforce positive behavior, but it’s essential to lean towards options that contribute to their well-being. Look for treats that align with your pet’s nutritional needs, steering away from excessive sugars and unnecessary additives. For instance, opt for treats made with real meat or wholesome ingredients that provide a boost of protein and essential nutrients.

When you choose these thoughtfully crafted snacks, it goes beyond just rewarding your pet; you’re actively nourishing them. Imagine the joy of giving your dog a treat not only for good behavior but also as a tasty and beneficial addition to their diet. It’s a win-win situation – a delicious reward and a health-conscious choice that keeps your pet happy and thriving.

Signs to Identify a Sick Pet

Educate yourself on the subtle cues that hint at your pet’s health. By decoding these signals, you empower yourself to be a vigilant guardian. Here are a few of them:

  • Reduced appetite leading to weight loss
  • Unpleasant breath or a foul odor emanating from the ears or skin
  • Increased thirst or frequent urination
  • Unexplained aggression or alterations in behavior
  • Difficulty walking or climbing stairs
  • Inability to urinate or have bowel movements
  • Respiratory issues such as sneezing, coughing, excessive panting, or difficulty breathing
  • Lethargy and a tendency to hide
  • Frequent vomiting or diarrhea
  • Abnormal vocalizations like whining, crying, or other sounds

In case of emergency, be alert to these warning signs that require immediate attention:

  • A hard, distended abdomen
  • Inability to urinate
  • Excessive diarrhea and/or vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Lack of coordination or an inability to stand

Things to Do if You Feel Your Pet Is Sick

Should the worry arise, don’t hesitate to consult your vet if you suspect your pet is unwell. Prompt veterinary care can be the linchpin in your pet’s recovery, ensuring that they receive the attention and care they deserve. However, you can also take the following action:

  • Offer rehydration fluid in case of diarrhea. You can make it by mixing 6 teaspoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, and 1 liter of water. Keep offering it so they can replenish a lot of fluids.
  • If they have an injury, dress it with an antibiotic and consult a vet immediately.
  • Offer species-specific prebiotic and highly fibrous food if they are defecting with difficulty.
  • In case of fever, keep them in a cool space and offer plenty of water. Consult the vet immediately.


In the tapestry of pet ownership, informed choices and unwavering attention to dietary needs weave the threads of a happy and healthy life for your furry companion. Through consultations with your vet, a diverse and balanced diet, and a keen awareness of your pet’s well-being, you’re not just a pet owner; you’re a dedicated steward crafting a vibrant journey for your beloved friend.